Dr. Mike Jess is a chiropractor and craniosacral therapist living and practicing in the Pemberton area since 1998. His goal as a therapist is to free the body from pain, restore function and balance, and promote a healthy lifestyle. Chiropractic principles recognize that spinal dysfunction is often the root cause of not only back pain but pain and symptoms throughout the body. Headaches, numbness and tingling, joint pain, digestive and respiratory problems can be helped through chiropractic care. Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, meditative form of bodywork excellent for resolving deeper physical or emotional causes of illness. It is also very relaxing and grounding. Stress is an underlying factor in many health complaints and can be managed through chiropractic, craniosacral therapy, and lifestyle advice. Dr. Jess believes in the importance of a healthy diet, exercise and fresh air, and creating time for ourselves. He can often be found outside rock climbing, back country skiing and hiking or at home gardening, creating music and stretching. Dr. Jess graduated with honours from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College and is certified in craniosacral work through the Milne Institute and the Upledger Institute.