

Originally created by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century, Pilates has spread worldwide into a well known form of exercise. 

Pilates is a series of exercises aimed to strengthen the whole body, focusing on the core as a central driver for movement. 

Pilates emphasises the core, taking these exercises and breaking them down into smaller exercises aimed at movement re-patterning and strengthening. This can help when rehabilitating an injury or correcting posture, allowing for gradual progression over time. One-to-one sessions allow time to practice in a comfortable range and explore movement based on individual needs. 

Pilates sessions can use a range of equipment that use springs for either assistance or resistance dependant on the individual need. The addition of other props can help with providing additional feedback whilst exercising, making Pilates a unique way to improve movement which can become dysfunctional over time or following injury. 

Pilates can help with the following:

Improve posture and balance

Reduced joint & muscle pain

Improve movement patterns and functional control

Pre/ Post Natal Pilates 

Working through trauma 

Following surgery or injury 

Strengthening and reconditioning 

At Local Motion Therapy we offer Pilates sessions on a one-to-one basis in our fully equipped studio with Rya, and small mat-work classes. 

Available to book online here, or contact the front desk for more information on 604 894-5525. 

If you have any questions about suitability for Pilates please contact us and we would be happy to discuss option with you.